Okay so just dance 2022 gives you 40 different songs to play of which 3 (good 4 you, buttons and don't go yet) require an high speed internet connection to play but all 40 songs are playable without restrictions once you have the game. Doesn't add anything new to existing formula.
Menus are slick but annoying and hard to parse as they're crammed full of subscription-only stuff.Relentless pushing of subscription service feels tacky.

If you fork out for an Unlimited Subscription, there's a lot more fun to be had.Kids mode, Sweat mode and Online play provide plenty of ways to engage with the music on offer.Motion tracking works well on Joy-Con and the mobile app makes getting a bunch of people involved easier.Looks and sounds great, and there's a decent mix of musical styles in the 40 included tracks.
Fans of the series - or anyone who's just danced to even a single track from the series - will know exactly what they're getting here, but newcomers should be aware that they'll need to fork out more cash after buying the game in order to enjoy the full experience. However, it also constantly pushes its subscription service and ends up feeling a little convoluted and tacky as it spends more time flogging tracks you don't own over letting you enjoy the ones included with the base game. It's more of the same with some cool new tracks, a slick and smooth experience overall that plays it safe and works just fine as a result. All you need is a single Joy-Con (or a smartphone with the official app) and a reasonable sense of timing and you're all set for some good times. Just Dance 2022 is a colourful and slick experience that arrives with 40 excellent tracks, some solid online action, a pretty neat kid-friendly mode, calorie-burning sweat mode and lots of unlockable bits and bobs to work towards acquiring as you thrash around your sitting room and attempt to match the movements displayed onscreen. Let's not get off to a hugely negative start here, though. What's here is good, there's no doubt about it, but it's all rendered somewhat frustrating as it constantly bombards you with tracks that you'll need a Just Dance Unlimited subscription in order to access. There's a fairly solid bit of dance fun to be had with this one, but it's also overwhelmingly familiar stuff that takes every opportunity it can to shove further purchases into your face. Ubisoft's Just Dance returns once again to give us our annual dose of disco boogie action, and there's absolutely zero surprises in Just Dance 2022 if you've ever played an entry in this series before.