I spit on your grave deja vu 2019
I spit on your grave deja vu 2019

Nothing interesting is happening in any of the shots, a good director might try and hide something in the background to create tension or use a camera angle to suggest who has the most power in any given scene, but we don’t have one of those good directors around here so we’re going to have to deal with the excrement that we’ve been given. The framing of every shot is just awful, it’s either all extreme close-ups that cut off the top of the hyper-manic performer’s heads or wide shots that kill all potential tension. It was shot in 2015 but I swear to god there were direct to DVD movies in the early 2000s that had a better camera than this one had. Can you never do it again, please?įrom the minute the film opens, literally, within a few seconds, it really becomes obvious that this thing was filmed by amateurs who have no idea what they’re doing. Either that or they are intentionally trying to make the worst film possible and if that’s the case… congrats, you did it. No one in front of or behind the camera knows what they’re doing. Nope, that implies that anyone knows what they’re doing and guess what? No one does. Not a single solitary second of this film is even remotely worthy of anyone’s time and considering that there is almost two and a half hours of film here to look at, surely there should be at least a single solitary second of film that is good just by random chance. There is nothing about this film that makes it worthy of existing. This film barely sticks in the memory during its two and a half hour runtime.

I spit on your grave deja vu 2019 series#

There’s a weird catharsis in that, hell the longest-running primetime series in TV history ( Law & Order: SVU) basically lives by that idea so I get why the original film manages to stick around in the memory for over 40 years. On top of that, it at least provided what one could expect from the genre of Rape-Revenge… namely, there is a rape victim who gets her revenge. It’s an endurance test of a film that people watch for the bragging rights, show how much you can handle by watching one of the most brutal films around. Much as I loathe to admit it, I can at least see the appeal of the original.

i spit on your grave deja vu 2019 i spit on your grave deja vu 2019

Naturally, this means that the relatives of the original rapists want to find and kill Jennifer, and might also rape and kill her daughter Christy (Jamie Bernadette) while they’re there, because why not? Also, I hate this film, I hate this day, and I hate the fact that I’m typing words right now to tell you about it but this is what I have decided to do with my life. Listening to her interviews are the relatives of her rapists, all of whom believe that Jennifer was Satan’s temptress who seduced their rapist family members and forced them to force their penises inside her. Starring Camille Keaton, reprising her role as Jennifer Hills from the original film, Deja Vu shows that Jennifer has written a book about the events of the original film and is doing interviews to promote it. I Spit On Your Grave: Deja Vu is a direct sequel to the original, much in the same vein that Halloween (2018) is a direct sequel to the original Halloween, set 40 years after the events of the first movie. It was even remade in 2010 with a proper budget and filming equipment… and then Meir Zarchi decided he wanted to pick up a camera again and, since nobody tackled him to the ground while screaming ‘NO!’ loudly as they could, we ended up being saddled with I Spit On Your Grave: Deja Vu. It’s not a great film by any means but it does earn its place in history as a piece of exploitation cinema, the likes of which we had never seen before. While I Spit On Your Grave might not be the first film in the exploitation subgenre known as the Rape-Revenge film, it’s certainly the most infamous due to its brutality and the rawness of the lead performance. Directed by first time director Meir Zarchi, the film was soon branded as one of the most shocking pieces of exploitation cinema to ever be released.

i spit on your grave deja vu 2019 i spit on your grave deja vu 2019

In 1978, the film I Spit On Your Grave was unleashed onto an unsuspecting public.

I spit on your grave deja vu 2019