They use agility and cunning to stay out of reach of melee attackers, commanding their pets to attack while they launch devastating volleys from afar. Hunters start wearing leather and advance to mail armor later on. Hunters are also capable of using their connection to the Aspects of various animals to empower themselves and their allies, augmenting their abilities according to the needs of the situation. The powerful and intelligent animals commanded by hunters are themselves capable of a huge range of skilful and breath-taking moves, with each type of pet boasting its own selection of special abilities. Hunters do not use their pets only to deal ferocious damage to their foes, but can also draw strength and healing from their bond, regaining focus and inspiring their companions to surprising new heights.

Hunters can even call wild beasts and flocks of birds to assail their enemies, and in times of great need can summon a of faithful friends to their aid. Hunters form a deep bond with their pets, and are rarely to be found without a fierce companion at their side, ready to leap into battle at the hunter's command. Hunters have a powerful connection to the wild, and an uncanny ability to befriend even the wildest of beasts. True to their name, hunters are also skilled huntsmen, capable of tracking even the stealthiest of targets with incredible accuracy. Hunters are also masters of survival, and their familiarity with traps and misdirection can allow them to manipulate their quarry's attentions, leading them into deadly ambushes or camouflaging themselves so well that even the sharpest-eyed of foes cannot fix their aim upon them. Hunters who are master marksmen use a plethora of different shots to take down their prey, from venomous barbs and magical projectiles to explosive volleys and penetrating powershots, while those who focus on melee combat do so with polearms, executing deft flanking maneuvers and being particularly skilled at throwing their weapon. The hunter is a damage dealing class that can engage in either melee or ranged combat.
You also get one trait point for finishing all the deeds in Old Anorien.īetween Osgiliath and the battle of the Black Gate, you will get 6 trait points just by doing the epic quest and then 3 more during the black book of Mordor (2 at lvl 115 and 1 at lvl 120)Īs for the rest, you'll most (or all) of your gear just as quest rewards along the way and it's until the end game that you need to starts grinding dailies and such.“The way of the hunter is one of mastery over the beasts of the world, an unparalleled precision in marksmanship, and the knowledge of how to survive in situations where others would perish.” In Central Gondor same thing, each of the local quest lines give you a trait point for a total of 4.

Then in West Rohan at the end of each local quest line you get a trait point -and you also need to do the epic to advance some of those quest lines- for a total of 5. And, still in Moria, completing the deed The Mines of Moria (doing the epic in Moria) will also grant you a trait point. No more "I need this virtue so I need 1 deed in Angmar, 1 in Moria and 1 in Mordor".Īs for the things to not miss, in Moria once you're kindred with one of the factions you can buy a book to get a trait point and when you're lvl 58 you have other class quests in Moria too. With the new virtue system, just pick a virtue to level up and any deed you complete will level this one.